What Does Tying Rainbow Ribbon Around Babies Durning Dragon Boat Great Mean

Dragon Boat Racing Dragon Boat Racing

The Dragon Boat Festival once had many interesting customs. Most are no longer commonly observed, although many are still practiced in rural areas.

Dragon Gunkhole Racing

The about pop activity of the Dragon Boat Festival is racing dragon boats.

The origin of the festival is said to be when locals paddled out on boats to scare the fish away and retrieve Qu Yuan's torso (the patriotic poet who drowned himself in the Miluo River when the Chu Land savage in 278 BC). The races are a symbol of the attempts to rescue and recover the body of Qu Yuan.

The dragon boat race custom started in southern China, where the 5th lunar 24-hour interval of the fifth lunar calendar month was selected as a totem anniversary. The dragon was the main symbol on the totem, because the Chinese believe that they are sons of the dragon. Later the Chinese connected this ceremony with the Duanwu Festival. This festival activity is but held in southern China, where it has varying levels of popularity. Dragon Boat Race events are popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Dragon boat racing has get an international event. The sport is popular in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other countries. Some of the events are held during July, August, or September, and non held during the Dragon Boat Festival. You can bank check the relevant websites for the schedules. Read more on dragon boat racing.

Eating Dragon Boat Nutrient — Zongzi


It is a tradition for the Chinese to eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi is made differently in different areas of China.

Historical records testify that people used wild rice leaves to wrap millet flour dumplings into the shape of ox horns, and then placed them in bamboo to cook.

During every Dragon Boat Festival many Chinese families follow the custom of eating zongzi. People in the north savour zongzi with dates, while people in the due south prefer mixed ingredients, such as meat, sausages, and eggs.

This custom is non only very pop in Red china, it is also practiced in Korea, Japan, and other countries in Southeast Asia. Read more on Zongzi.

Wearing Incense Numberless

Incense BagsIncense Bags

Many contagious diseases and plagues were said to originate during the fifth lunar calendar month when the Dragon Gunkhole Festival takes place.

Chinese people, especially children, made incense numberless and hung them on their necks to avoid catching contagious diseases and to keep evil spirits away.

Incense numberless are made from a diverseness of sewn bags and include the powders of calamus, wormwood, and realgar, and other fragrant items. This tradition has been mostly abased.

Hanging Calamus and Wormwood on Doors or Windows

In that location is an onetime saying: "Hang willow branches at Qingming Festival and hang calamus and wormwood at Duanwu Festival."

Dragon Boat Festival Hanging calamus and wormwood on door.

On Dragon Gunkhole Festival people often put calamus and wormwood leaves on their doors and windows to repel insects, flies, fleas, and moths from the business firm. Hanging these plants on doors or windows is also believed to dispel evil, and bring health to the family unit especial the kids.

Regional Community

Northern China


On the Dragon Boat Festival it is a taboo in Beijing to fetch water from a well, because the water might be poisonous. Therefore, people fetch water on the twenty-four hour period before the festival. Vendors hawk cherries and mulberries, as people believe that eating these 2 fruits can forestall the unconscious consumption of flies throughout the year. All food stores sell the "Five-Poison Cake," a rose pie on which the images of the v most poisonous creatures (scorpion, frog, spider, centipede, and snake) are inscribed.

The custom of eating millet rice is popular in some parts of northern China.

Shandong Province

Zouping Canton is situated in central northward Shandong Province, and is next to the Yellow River to its northward. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people of Zouping County must beverage a cup of wine afterward they awake, equally an exorcism practice.

In Rizhao children must vesture a bracelet fabricated of vii colored threads, and throw it into the rain water of the starting time rain after the Dragon Boat Festival.

In Linqing boys nether the age of vii must wear a necklace fabricated of wheat straw, while their female person counterparts must vesture a pomegranate flower on their head and yellow fabric shoes made by their mother. The five most poisonous insects are drawn with a Chinese castor on the surface of this shoe, representing the killing of these poisonous insects using the ability of deified Qu Yuan (a nifty poet and statesman of ancient China).

In Jimo people launder their faces with dew on the morning of the Dragon Gunkhole Festival.

Xi'an Region

In Jiezhou men and women wear wormwood leaves as a symbol of ridding themselves of illness. Children wear necklaces fabricated of five colored threads to symbolize chaining the inundation dragon for Qu Yuan.

In Xizhou villagers make a sacrifice to the Dragon King past hanging magic papers in their farmland.

In Huanren Canton the Dragon Boat Festival is also called "Red Door Day".

In Dingxiang County students nowadays gifts to their teachers.

In Lu'anfu people use wheat flour to make "white dumplings", instead of rice dumplings (zongzi).

Shaanxi Province

In Xingping County pocket-sized rice dumplings are packaged in silk with fiddling dolls sewn on the surface.

In Tongguan Canton calamus, wormwood, and newspaper cattle are pasted on doors to proceed out illness.

Gansu Province

On the Dragon Boat Festival, people in Jingningzhou pick roses and use the nectar to make maltose.

In Zhenyuan County fragrant fans, silk clothes, handkerchiefs, and wormwood tigers are given to newly married couples. Students, together with their fathers or brothers, invite their teachers to dinner.

In Zhang County shepherd boys make a sacrifice to the god of the mountains, and firewood is piled upward and burned before daybreak.

Western Prc

Sichuan Province

In Shizhu County, four people piece of work equally a group and use two bamboo poles to conduct a large foursquare desk covered with a blood-red carpet. On that carpet sits a bamboo Taoist priest riding a tiger. The sound of gongs and drums accompany these four people as they march in the street.

In Chengdu, in the ancient time, people showtime bought plums and so went to the Southeast Gate Tower. On the belfry people sat both high on the belfry and down below and threw the plums at each other. This activity has always attracted tens of thousands of spectators. Still, in the 21st year of the reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu (1895), this activity created a conflict betwixt the local people and foreign priests and was abandoned.

In Leshan and Xinjin big trade fairs are held during the dragon boat races, while in some parts of Mianyang and Suining, the custom on the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat steamed dumplings, a nutrient similar to zongzi, but these are wrapped with steamed pulverisation skin.

Eastern Mainland china

Jiangsu Province

On the Dragon Boat Festival, people in Jiading County, both rich and poor, purchase and cook drumfish.

In Yizheng County there is an old maxim: "Pawn trousers to purchase drumfish."

In Nanjing each family adds a little realgar and two goose-eyed coins to a bowl of clean h2o, and and so washes their eyes with that water to prevent eye affliction throughout the year.

In Wujin County people concord dragon boat races at night, with a pocket-size lantern hanging on the four corners of each boat. The sound of thexiao (/sshyaoww/ a Chinese bamboo flute) and drum, together with the vox of people singing, accompany the races at all times.

Gaoyou has many community, such as wearing a necklace made of 5 colored threads, pasting magic labels of the five virtually poisonous creatures, setting off realgar firecrackers, eating "the twelve red dishes" (cooked in soy source or a dark colored liquid, e.thousand. realgar vino and salted duck egg). The children hang in front of their chest a minor bag weaved with colorful strings that carries an egg.

Fujian Province

In Fuzhou wives present graveclothes, shoes and socks, rice dumplings and fans to their parents-in-law equally a gift.

In Jianyang County, Dragon Boat Festival is the mean solar day when the legendary 'King of Medicine' puts his medicine in the open air to cure the air. On that twenty-four hours mutual people make sauce.

In Shanghang County small rafts are tied with reeds and made into the shape of a dragon for the dragon gunkhole races.

In Xianyou Canton, later on the dragon gunkhole races, people throw magic papers into Huxiao Pond to mourn the soldiers of General Qi Jiguang who drowned in 1543 during the Ming Dynasty.

In Shaowufu, earlier the Dragon Boat Festival, women brand pocket-size bags with red silk and put pieces of magic newspaper inside of them. They besides make 2 rhombic decorations with five colored threads and tie the decorations to their hairpins with colorful strings. Niggling girls necktie the decorations to their arms.

Guangdong Province

In Conghua County people wash their optics and faces with water mixed with burned magic papers, and so pour that h2o onto the road every bit a symbol of getting rid of disasters.

In Xinxing Canton people get to the nearest temple to back-trail the parade of the Buddha statue. Shamen sprinkle magic water and paste magic papers onto the Buddha statue every bit a way to expel evil.

In Shicheng County children fly kites every bit a style to make disasters fly away.

Southern China

Jiangxi Province

In Jianchangfu people bathe in special h2o fabricated from a hundred herbs to prevent scabies.

In Xinchang County people drink realgar wine or cinnabar wine on the Dragon Boat Festival.

Hubei Province

In Huanggang the people of Bahe Town wearing apparel upwardly like ancient Chinese farmers, wear flowers on their heads, and beat gongs to bulldoze out disease.

In Yichang the people in Zigui Canton hold dragon boat races, and these activities become extraordinarily magnificent on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the fifth calendar month of the lunar calendar. Cede and evocation ceremonies in memory of Qu Yuan are also held. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, as a way to launder away filth and get rid of illness, children are bathed with water that has sabbatum out in the sunshine for a long time.

The 15th of the 5th lunar month is chosen the 'Major Dragon Gunkhole Festival', while the 25th is called the 'Tardily Dragon Boat Festival'. On both of these days people eat rice dumplings and drink calamus vino.

The custom of drinking realgar wine is popular in the Yangtze River Valley.

Hunan Province

In You County rich families with a meaning woman drop auspicious coins into wine and and so put the wine on the head of a dragon boat and pray for the successful birth of the babe. Poor families with a pregnant adult female prepare chicken and wine, and sacrifice paper money instead of using the wine and auspicious coins (which are costly).

In Yuezhoufu people concur dragon boat races to avert disasters and to go rid of disease. They too make harbinger boats and let them float away as a symbol of expelling the God of Plagues.

Hainan Province

During Dragon Gunkhole Festival virtually places in Hainan Province holds a dragon boat race.

In Ding'an, a town that dates from the Chenghua Menstruum of the Ming Dynasty, and has been well preserved, there are two long and gaily colored dragon boats standing on the stone steps inside the door that opens to this v-hundred-yr-erstwhile town.

Ancestors of Hainan Province started the custom of dragon boat racing on the Dragon Boat Festival. The river they use for these races is Nandu River. Known equally the town of coconuts and being the hometown of Song Qingling (a great patriotic, democratic, and communist leader of Communist china),

Wenchang enjoys a favorable location, with its 3 sides surrounded past sea. Since ancient times residents of Wenchang have held dragon gunkhole races and prayed to God for blessings during the Dragon Gunkhole Festival.

The people of Hainan bathe themselves with "holy water" or herbal water and, similar to the community of the Mainland, as well hold dragon boat races, eat rice dumplings, and hang calamus and wormwood in forepart of their houses.


In Taiwan common people hang calamus, wormwood, and a pic of Zhong Kui (a Chinese immortal who can bless and protect a mortal's house) in front of their houses. Adults drink realgar vino, while children adorn themselves with fragrant small bags. All of this is said to protect human beings from evil.

For businessmen the Dragon Boat Festival is a expert concern opportunity to promote folk cultures. They rack their brains for ways to sell more rice dumplings. In Taiwan various unique types of rice dumplings are produced. Mutual people like to show their artistic, home-fabricated rice dumplings.

In the Tainan area people do not eat rice dumplings. Instead they eat fried glutinous rice balls sprinkled with sesame seeds. This custom has something to exercise with Zheng Chenggong (a hero of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) who recaptured Taiwan from Dutch colonialists).

Similar to the Mainland, the almost popular and joyful action during the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan Province is also dragon boat racing. 1000 dragon boat races are held on each major river in Taiwan.

Travel with Us and Feel More Dragon Boat Festival Customs

Our customers taking a bamboo raft on the Li River in GuilinOur customers taking a bamboo raft on the Li River in Guilin

If you want to experience Chinese culture during the Dragon Boat Festival period, contact us and nosotros can help you customize a bout according to your interests and requirements.

See our most recommended tours below:

  • 8-Solar day Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai THE Aureate TRIANGLE Tour
  • 11-Twenty-four hour period Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin/Yangshuo and Shanghai Archetype WONDERSTour
  • xi-Mean solar day Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin/Yangshuo, Xiamen, and Shanghai Hidden TREASURE Tour

What Does Tying Rainbow Ribbon Around Babies Durning Dragon Boat Great Mean

Source: https://www.chinahighlights.com/festivals/dragon-boat-festival-custom.htm

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